Wednesday, August 12, 2009


My new apartment is starting to look like my reception hall decorated for my wedding. There are tons and tons of pieces and props that I could not bear to part with and it is morphing into a dollhouse or better yet a store (Mr. Coquette claims it look like everything is for

First wedding decor dilemma, hanging flower monogram initials that look FAB on the entryway doors..I have to admit I am getting a little over zealous with making these, they are just too much fun. I have two sets for myself and have made quite a few for other brides. IT would physically pain me to get rid of them...insert sad pouting face here...

I will update and let you know where they end up and no they won't end up in the closet where Mr. Coquette suggests we put everything!

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhh, I love this! I have no idea what i'm going to do with all of my leftover wedding stuff, and there's so much of it, ev-er-y-wh-er-e!


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